“Conclave” Released

“Conclave,” the twentieth and final novel in the Silver Ships series, is now available on Amazon U.S. in ebook and print versions. Other Amazon stores will be delayed one to two days. Expect the audiobook in July.

Summary: The time is opportune for Alex Racine. Omnian efforts and sacrifices culminate in a singular opportunity. With good fortune, Alex will bring together the diverse races.

Alex visits the human colonies of New Terra, Haraken, Omnia, and Méridien to solicit their attendance.

Unknowingly, he sails into a deadly encounter.

38 thoughts on ““Conclave” Released

  1. Marshall Reynolds

    Silver Ships has been my favorite Book Series for several years.
    I will be very sad to read the final installation.

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Hello Marshall, it’s been a great run for the intertwined series of Silvers Ships and Pyreans — 24 novels in 6.25 years, but it was time to end “this part” of the saga. However, I’m not done with this universe. Ask yourself — How many colony ships were launched from Earth, and how many have been accounted for, so far? The new series is entitled Gate Ghosts. The first novel, “Axis Crossing,” is scheduled for release in July. (Apologies, Marshall, I deleted your last remark. It would be confuse new readers. You can follow up with me through email on the subject, if you wish.)

  2. Ed Kress

    I will also be very sad to read/listen to the final instalment in the Silver Ships series.
    Gate Ghosts, This implies A tie to the Silver ships and the q gates. Is this going to be at all related to my favorite series.

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Gate Ghosts exist in the same universe as the previous two series. However, their are new characters and new worlds. Sorry, Ed, the title bears no relation to the Messinant Q-gates. All this said, you might be surprised who shows up in this new area of space.

        1. Scott Jucha Post author

          I don’t believe I’ve mentioned any specific individuals or races, Joe. I will tell you that “Axis Crossing” begins about four centuries later from the point that the Silver Ships ends. That will give you an idea about potential character crossover between the series.

  3. Paul K

    *stands* Bravo! Bravo!

    Congratulations Scott on a VERY well written book…and the finale to a series as well. I have zero complaints, nags or critiques. It just seems right and fitting the way you wrote it. Easily, my second favorite book behind the first in the series. I thought the Epilogue was a very nice touch. It flowed smoothly and I appreciated the points.

    Much appreciation for the time and effort you (and others) put into The Silver Ships series. It was a nice addition to my life.

    And! Thanks for the hint/detail on the new series. You sneaky little fine writing story teller, you! 🙂

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      I bow to your standing ovation, Paul, and I thank you for your generous compliments. I found this final novel of the series as difficult to write as the first one but for different reasons. There was so many aspects of the saga that I wanted to close. Yet, those aspects of the story needed a plot. Also, it was difficult to say goodbye to characters I had lived with for more than six years, but I felt I’d brought the series’ storyline to a conclusion. As to your final statement, my response is *grin.*

  4. Colleen Powell

    Bravo! From the first book to the last book a story is completed. While I will miss the universe of Alex I look forward to the promise of new adventures. Oh how those pesky humans have spread. I can’t wait for the new series! Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories.

  5. Charles M Gooding

    A good book as always, sad to see the SIlver Ships come to an end, I would have loved to have seen some more epilogue in the epilogue but if your next book series is set in the same universe but adjacent to it then there will be chances to touch on some of it I hope. (I would not want to mention stuff here as it would be spoilers)

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      I’ve been telling readers that they shouldn’t be sad. Instead, they should celebrate the hours of reading pleasure that might have been provided for the past six plus years. On another note, I found the epilogue difficult to write. There were so many characters whose stories I wanted to conclude. When I made a list, I recognized that I was looking at probably a minimum of about three chapters worth, which, in my estimation, was too much.

  6. Steve Murton

    Many thanks for another great book and a fitting end to the Silver Ships saga. I enjoy the way your characters, alien, human and Sade alike, have a real depth to them, something that is sadly missing in the military space operas which are so prevalent these days. Call me old fashioned, but give me relationships, intrigue and a battle of wits over page after page of missile launches any day.
    Once again, many thanks for the hours of pleasure and I look forward to teaming up with you again in your next endeavor, Gate Ghosts. You keep writing and I’ll keep reading!


    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      And thank you for the generous comments, Steve! You’ve put your finger on one of the primary reasons why I sat down to outline “The Silver Ships” in 2014. I was tired of reading exactly the type of sci-fi that you described. I wanted to be invested in the characters, good and bad. I wanted to be pulled into the stories, and I repeatedly discovered that wasn’t happening. Thanks for for your continuing support, Steve. Back to “Axis Crossing” and chapter eight … now to figure how to get out of the conundrum that I constructed. 🙂

  7. Ken Silverman


    This has been a great ride with 20 books in the series. The ending was superb with all the characters. I put your writing with some of my favorite authors like Isaac Asimov. The highest complement I can pay an author is, I pace myself because I don’t want it end to soon. I am now looking forward to Axis Crossing.

    Keep up the great writing,


    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Thank you for the wonderful compliments, Ken. I’ve appreciated readers, like yourself, who’ve enjoyed my efforts to write 24 novels for the Silver Ships and Pyreans series during the past 6 years. “Axis Crossing,” the first novel of the Gate Ghosts series should be released in July.

  8. Joe Ryan


    Your series brought me so much joy. I had tears at the end. Thank you for sharing these characters with me. I hope to enjoy your future series just as much.

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Hello Joe, I’m pleased that you’ve enjoyed the Silver Ships and Pyreans series, and it’s my hope that you’ll take pleasure from the next series, Gate Ghosts. The first novel, “Axis Crossing,” should be available in July.

  9. Steve Henson

    Loved the Silver Ships and Pyreans can’t hardly wait for Axis Crossing. This has been my favorite SF series!!!

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Thank you, Steve, I appreciate the support. I anticipate releasing “Axis Crossing,” the first novel in the Gate Ghosts series, in July.

  10. Miles Norris

    I’ve been reading for 10 years of my life (I’m 20) and the Silver Ships has to be one of my favorite series I’ve ever read. It captured everything that I wanted in a sci-fi series concerning technology, morality, and humor. I finished conclave the last of the silver ship novels and it made me cry. The characters you made are beautiful and wish I could have been on Alex’s tug from the get-go.

    Thank you, Scott!!

  11. Kathy Dickinson

    First and foremost I must tell you how much I’ve enjoyed ‘The Silver Ships’ and the Pyreans series. There were ups and downs, things I loved, things I hated…all of which made it that much more realistic. Fabulously done! I look forward to the ‘Gate Ghosts’ series with, as they say, ‘worm on tongue’ (baited breath…okay, bad, Kathy, bad *slaps hand*)

    Now, I Just have one bone to pick with you about ‘Conclave’…and it’s not a small one. You sent Jess and Alain to uplift the Loopah (great scenes, btw), but the Loopah were already uplifted. At the very beginning of ‘Alliance’ Jess’s comms officer was a Loopah, a Loopah rescued the Pims that were about to be trampled during the Colony attack on the Sylian dome, and Talsoma had Loopah in her audience when Olawale was there…“Left side of the assembly, as we entered. They were about halfway up the aisle, gold and silver sheaths, and dark fur.” So I want to know who these imposters pretending to be Loopah were in ‘Alliance’. It’s making me lose sleep!!

    That aside: bravo, great, fabulous, one of my all time favorite series in any genre. Please, keep on entertaining us. I’m excited to find out what this universe will look like in 400 years…

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Hello Kathy, I thank you for your generous compliments and encouragement. As to your point about the Loopah, all I can say is that this is the life of an indie. The arc of this saga spanned centuries of time, introduced thousands of characters, and involved a multitude of races. Then there was my labor which stretched seven years. I proofread my completed manuscript three times, my editor makes two passes, and my small band of proofreaders do their best to stamp about grammatical errors and inconsistencies. That said, sometimes there remain anomalies … and you found one. 🙂 Thank you for the bringing the error to my attention. I’ve made a note to correct the “Alliance” manuscript.

      1. Kathy Dickinson

        I hope you and your support group didn’t take that as a criticism. It wasn’t meant to be. As someone who has been working on a book for…hundreds of years, it sometimes seems…I am in awe of what you accomplished in just seven short (well, to me) years. And I LOVE the fact I don’t have to wait years for the next installment! You’re an amazing writer.

        1. Scott Jucha Post author

          I took no offense from your comments, Kathy. On the contrary, I need the feedback of readers, such as you, who find the inconsistencies within the saga’s arc. There have been a few, and, if I’m able, I correct the stories and upload the novels again on Amazon. I wish Amazon updated the readers’ libraries with subsequent updates, but they don’t. P.S. As you mention you struggle with writing, you’re probably wouldn’t be surprised to hear that I stared writing my first novel in 1980. I’ve tried dozens of time to complete new ideas before I wrote “The Silver Ships” in 2014. I sincerely hope your journey is much shorter.

  12. MikeMancino

    Conflicting emotions is an understatement! Great ending to the series. Can’t wait for the Axis Crossing/Gate Ghosts series! You’re one of my favorite sci-fi authors at this point. Keep up the good work!

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Thank you, Mike, for your support! 🙂 I hope to release “Axis Crossing,” the first novel of the Gate Ghosts series and the story of Earthers’ colony ship #4, in July.

        1. Scott Jucha Post author

          You’re welcome, Mike. I just received and approved the cover for “Axis Crossing,” which I’ll use to update my website and announce the July release date.

          1. Scott Jucha Post author

            If you’d asked me in 2014, how many books I might write in the next seven years, the answer wouldn’t have been twenty-four. To me, writing is a bit like walking. You put one foot in front of the other, and, eventually, you go somewhere. Often, I don’t envision the story line of the next book until I’m about two-thirds of the way through the book I’m presently writing. This is the long way of saying I’ve no idea how many novels will be included in the Gate Ghost series.

  13. Lucy I Rocha

    Hello, Scott. I have read all the books in the Silver Ships series and the Pyrean series. I have thoroughly enjoyed every book. I look forward to the Ghost Gates series. Thank you for your work.


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