“Vortex Incursion” Released

“Vortex Incursion,” the fourth book in the Gate Ghosts series, is available on Amazon U.S. in ebook. The print version is coming soon.

I recommend first reading the previous two series of the Earthers’ saga, The Silver Ships and Pyreans, to understand some of the nuances in this new series.

Summary: Human descendants of the Earth colony ship, Destiny, face incursion into their area by a powerful race. The Imperium Empire is ruled by the Krackus and is one wormhole away from the humans. A rim planet, Kilmer, would be the alien race’s first contact.

32 thoughts on ““Vortex Incursion” Released

  1. K

    Surprised that Lisa didn’t request an implant, or any of the pro SADE councilors; you can’t really sell someone on the benefits of an implant without having it yourself. One or more of the nearest Executors are going to eventually call the SADE’s bluff on nanite missiles and send several fleets, that is one fight I’d like to see if you ever make that happen. Are they still using NNEMP weapons?

    As for the disposition of the Imperium inquisitor, I hope you bring in a descendent of Ophelia Tuttle with a more developed secondary empath power to hear thoughts that work on aliens as well. What is more demoralizing to a calcitrant prisoner than to have your thoughts spoken back at you. Doing this you can sow FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) about the human race being empaths when the inquisitor reports back to Executors.

    1. Paul K

      “What is more demoralizing to a calcitrant prisoner than to have your thoughts spoken back at you.”

      hahaha, excellent K…seriously. I appreciated your thoughts in the first paragraph as well.

      1. Scott Jucha Post author

        As a reminder, with the exception of one individual, Pyrean empaths sense and influence emotions, not thoughts. Of course, that stated the capabilities of the empaths more than three centuries ago. Who knows what they can do now? (The shadow knows.)

        1. Paul K

          Wait, what?!? Were we just schooled?

          I’dunno, really. I think it should be referred to Julian and the SADEs for a possible concensus.


          1. Paul K

            Understood. I use a Mattel Magic 8-Ball for all major decisions and inquiries. Sooo…I think I’ve established I take accurate information seriously.

        2. K

          It could be done a whole lot faster with a custom implant with transmitters and receivers that can amplify/attenuated/block the brain waves signals used by empaths. Even implants would have to change over time or it becomes something like having a cellphone model that is a few hundreds of years old.

          ALLIANCE, chapter 22 Secrets
          Covers the proto-telepathy of Ophelia Tuttle.

          Hearing a person’s thoughts doesn’t mean you would understand the language used. There are limitations to everything. It is not like a descendant of Ophelia Tuttle would understand what the Tritiums would think, because this would bypass any auto-translate app of the implant.

  2. Mike

    For those of you who haven’t read Pyreans and Silver Ships, I don’t think the recommendation to read them first is sufficient. You must read them first to fully enjoy this book.

  3. Paul K

    Vortex Incursion – It is thoroughly enjoyable, entertaining, and concerning it’s writing…excellent. Like another reviewer on Amazon, I also appreciated the echoes from the past via memories, mentions, descendants, and credits to those before that invented tech, established military protocols, and created social plans and attitudes. At x point during the book, I felt the slight vibrations of the start of a crescendo towards action/conflict. Later when it reached it’s peak, it was written well and with enough detail to make the reader feel part of the action. I’ve always appreciated that about Scott’s books.

    I also like that with everything going on with the corporations, the sisters, the clones, the mickies, and more, once again the Sades and human companions have to navigate introducing the system’s residents to themselves and their tech. It is never the same each time and never boring.

    Thanks for the book, Scott.

  4. Martin Schneiderman

    Thoroughly enjoyed Vortex Incursion. But I am wondering if Dorsa is male or female? In the glossary, the SADE is female and in the text, the SADE is referred to as both sexes.

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Martin, Dorsa’s matriarch was Myseth mya Jaknas. As such, the SADE is female. If there are any references to Dorsa, speaking of her as he or him, then these are errors. Did you note the locations of any of these errors?

      1. K

        If I had to guess, it would be in Chapter 19, referring to these lines.

        Dorsa sent. Then he handed off his duties to Gistamia and made for the Kilmer shuttleport.

        and this one

        Dorsa replied, “This is a welcome relief from my daily cycle’s regimen.” Then he tilted his head, and the avatar’s crown of silver and cream hair flowed from the left side of his head, across his face, and settled gracefully on the other side.

        The only people mention in this section are Lilly, Dorsa, and Gistamia.

        In chapter 20, these 2 lines.

        Dorsa surmised. He expected a response from the scouts, but they were focused on one another.

        Dorsa, who’d deadpanned his response, heard his audience crack up in laughter and sounds. Then he grinned.


        If these were already corrected in a later update, I’ll download and check the differences.

        1. Scott Jucha Post author

          Thank you for the information, K. I try to keep my novels as error free as possible. Within the next 10 days, I’ll upload a corrected manuscript.

          1. K

            You could always keep it in there and pass it off as a SADE developing a split personality in a future book. And the developing personality wanting to fission off, so you have the first twin SADEs I suppose.

    2. Martin

      These are the references that I found referred to Dorsa as a male. The page numbers are approximate, as they vary with the format.

      page 93 “Chairperson Dyehouse,” Dorsa said, pointing at the SADE beside him.
      page 270 Dorsa sent. Then he handed off his duties to Gistamia and made for the Kilmer shuttleport.
      page 271
      Dorsa replied, “This is a welcome relief from my daily cycle’s regimen.” Then he tilted his head, and the avatar’s crown of silver and cream hair flowed from the left side of his head, across his face, and settled gracefully on the other side.
      page 284 Dorsa surmised. He expected a response from the scouts, but they were focused on one another.

      page 291 Dorsa, who’d deadpanned his response, heard his audience crack up in laughter and sounds.

      1. Scott Jucha Post author

        Thanks for the assistance, Martin. After you notified me of the confusion, and Z pointed out some of the errors, I ran global searches for Dorsa and Captain mya Jaknas. I believe I’ve found most, if not all, of the pronoun disagreements. The updated ebook and print version have been uploaded.

        1. Martin

          So far on my second, more leisurely reading of Vortex Incursion (updated ebook version) I found two more slips.

          In chapter 4: Experiment Four – tympanum membrane should be either tympanum or tympanic membrane.

          In chapter 14: Message Received – I think Kreus and Deckus should be Kreus and Gretren.

          Please keep the stories comming.

  5. Dave

    loved this book. looking forward to Sades from other outposts and Alex and Renee’s Sade’s making an appearance. That should be interesting. Kelly turned out well. Maybe Kraus walking around. 400+ aliens under Krakus rule makes for exciting deliverance’s. The Ovoid sphere creators look like porcupines with their quills. Funny. reading it again. next one due when? marking my calender.

  6. Lucy I Rocha

    Mr. Jucha,
    I have read every book of the three series. And I have enjoyed them all so very much. I keep looking forward to the next book. I am currently reading Vortex Incursion and can tell you that I am truly enjoying it. I really like the characters, especially Miranda. Please continue to write these fabulous books.

    P.S. When I get a new book, I turn to the last page to look for the title of the next book. Sorry, but I just can’t help myself. LOL.

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Good news, Lucy, Gate Ghosts has a long way to go. In addition, I’ve thoughts about Earth’s fifth colony ship and more Omnians. Btw, I like Miranda too.

  7. Dave

    Since I have nothing to read till July I’ve been thinking, 400+ dissidents need rescuing, so if we flesh out four per book that’s 100 new books with new aliens rescued. Then that pesky 5th colony to find. I think we have the makings for a sweet lengthy series. I may have read it a third time, so fun.

  8. Dave Warren

    Hi Scott,

    Any updates on when the Audio Book will be released ?

    Asking for a friend who I got addicted to the series lol

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Hi Dave, the audiobook for Vortex Incursion has been in the hands of ACX for about eight days. I expect to hear from them next week that the audiobook has been published to Audible. That’s providing the chapter files are accepted.

  9. Colleen Powell

    Simply put I love your books. I’ve gone back and read the whole series again…ok and again. You are a talented story teller. Thank you for all of the repeated hours of enjoyment.


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