Méridien, the trilogy’s end

Méridien, A Silver Ships Novel

Méridien Cover

Méridien, the end of The Silver Ships trilogy, is nearing completion. On Sept. 7th, I’ll deliver my manuscript into the hands of my indie editor and thereafter to my proofreaders.

The trilogy’s conclusion has taken longer to complete than The Silver Ships or Libre because it’s over a third longer than either of the them. I felt it was important to conclude subplots and speak to themes that had developed over the course of the trilogy. I hope my readers enjoy the extra pages.

In a later post, I will speak to the future for Alex and company. Apparently, the universe is not willing to let them rest for long.

The expected publishing date for Méridien is Nov. 1st.

9 thoughts on “Méridien, the trilogy’s end

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Hi Chris, sorry for the confusion, but the original story is a trilogy … one book’s ending leading right into the start of the next book. However, more books are planned. The next two books about Alex and company are written as a story pair … Hellébore and Sol. Méridien will be available on Amazon by November 1st. Best regards and thanks for reading!

  1. Heather Hartling

    I have to say, when I read the word “trilogy” I was very concerned! Thankfully, the rest of the post clarified, and the mention of Sol in the comments was a pleasant surprise! I hadn’t heard of there being a fifth book until now. I am very excited to read more about the wonderful worlds and characters you have created! Is there a way to be notified when future books are released? I tend to forget to check for updates with the volume of books I consume.

    Also, I wanted to thank you for having your books be a part of Kindle Unlimited! Without that excellent program, I woundn’t be able to read anywhere close to the number of quality books that I’m currently able to.

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Hello Heather, I’m pleased that you’re enjoying the story! Actually, I sat down a week ago to outline an idea for the sixth book in the series that I have gotten very excited about. Alex and company seem to be alive and well!

      For direct contact with me in the future, you can use the Contact Form on my Website, scottjucha.com. I’ve already added you to the list of readers to notify and you will receive an announcement of Hellébore‘s impending publish date early next year.

      And thank you for the feedback about the Kindle Unlimited program. Amazon has its pros and cons, but for a new author it offers a leg up that can’t be denied.

    1. Scott Jucha Post author

      Hello Daniel, just getting to the end of the editing and proofing line now with “Haraken” (new title). If all goes well, the publish date will be March 1st.


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